Turquoise Door With Yellow Loosestrife

Old turquoise doorway surrounded by ferns and plants

Four vigorous plants, growing together in a little, rock-edged garden without too much care (at a guess): a fern, Alchemilla mollis, Lysimachia punctata and Crocosmia.

Darwen’s moist climate has washed the door almost back to wood, while the window has been blocked in more than once.

Yellow loosestrife

It’s a happy eye that sees the beauty in semi-wild flowers around a weather-beaten door. I’d be sorry to go by and see it had been restored, although I’m sure that turquoise was someone’s pride and joy when it was newly painted.

Lysimachia punctata (yellow loosestrife)

Yellow loosestrife (Lysimachia punctata) will spread or escape, given half a chance, so can be found growing wild as often as cultivated in a garden, but how beautiful it is in season. The plants are sturdy, and upright with no need for staking, each stem packed with starry yellow flowers. The petals are held with flair, each graced by a little twist at the point.

Loosestrife is always in flower for me. Out of season, when I go past a patch, my mind adds in the yellow.

Inspired by Norm’s Thursday Doors.

31 Replies to “Turquoise Door With Yellow Loosestrife”

    1. It certainly spreads, although it rarely overwhelms an area. One of my favourite patches is in the grounds of an old church not far from where I live.

  1. I wonder why we’re drawn to old and sometimes decaying stone and wood. Perhaps it’s just the earthy textures that we’re lacking in our smooth and modern homes. The planting looks wild and uncared for, yet somehow they all look perfectly comfortable together.

    1. The plants have worked out a compromise. I think we’ll learn more and more about how plants communicate together underground, and even co-operate. Most likely by actively gardening, we create an imbalance that nature would correct in the long term.

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