Vintage Car Chrome

Flying lady hood ornament on green vintage car

It always amuses me how so many words connected to cars differ in the USA and the UK. Gear lever. Wing mirror. Windscreen. Bonnet. Belisha beacon. Central reservation. We Give Way and overtake. We rent a car, drive on a dual carriageway and stop on the hard shoulder (in an emergency only).

So while I think of this as a car mascot, since these are American cars, hood ornament is more appropriate.

I’m far from being a car fanatic, so what interests me here is not the car or even the flying lady mascot, but the reflected waves that make the far side of the bonnet so abstract. I have no idea what caused them. Something about them reminds me of corrugated leaves – a hosta, for example – so I’m claiming this is about as close anyone can get to making a car look like a plant in the absence of vegetation. I’d be intrigued by any rival claims!

Red vintage car with chrome grille

In my second shot I’m drawn by curves again, not just the chrome grille, but the dots and splashes of light.

Shared for Becky’s SquarePerspectives: it’s only two days to the end of the road for this particular challenge. 🙂

21 Replies to “Vintage Car Chrome”

  1. Here I am with first morning coffee, blinking and bleary, and I see that top photo. Whoa. It worked well with the coffee to wake me up! Yes, I can see the hosta leaves, but I also see a car that is painfully clean. I love bright shiny objects so both photos are great fun for me; the play of light is ever a wonder. I also loved the vocabulary lesson; it’s amazing how we can speak the same language but not.

  2. Fascinating how similar but not the same we are – and these cars are wonderful. Like you I am not a fanatic but there is something rather special about their curves and reflections

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