2020 Photo Challenge: Textures

HeyJude has invited us to share a picture of something wuff with something smooth.

Yogaing dog with flowers
Yogaing dog against a smooth shed with flowers

Go on then, seeing as it’s you, I’ll be good. How about these?

Variegated houseplants mulched with bark chips

Variegated houseplants with contrasting patterns are smooth against the bark clippings.

Firewood in wooden crates with old tools

I’m claiming lots of textures for this one, from the rough brick wall and bark on the logs to the worn old gardening tools and the floor.

Fallen tree with metal chair back embedded in it

Finally, two rough and smooth curiosities to end with. Above, a fallen tree trunk has been accessorised with a metal chair back in Chatsworth House’s garden. Below, weird succulents with crusty leaves.

Stone-like succulents with pebble mulch
Stone-like succulents with pebble mulch

I know nothing about these – some form of living rocks, perhaps? – but their soft neutral colours and patterns fascinate me.

Shared as part of the 2020PhotoChallenge.

22 Replies to “2020 Photo Challenge: Textures”

  1. I can rely on you to come up with something unusual 🙂 The wood store photo is wonderful, so much to look at there. And the succulents are fascinating.

  2. I believe that the expression on the dog’s face is the direct result of having just read “something wuff.” Wonderful textures, but, oh, that dog!

    1. I was quite proud of that one. I saw a blogger recently who had tagged some posts ‘Bad jokes’ and was very tempted to follow suit. The only trouble is the bad jokes are liberally spread through my posts, and I am not sure many bad joke lovers would want to wade through all the other stuff to harvest a few feeble groans.

      1. I don’t know about that. Even a feeble groan can be therapeutic. But you underestimate the power of “wuff” — that was not a feeble groan! That was full-on.

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