Strictly Come Dancing Flowers

Fuchsia 'Hermiena'
Star Fuchsia ‘Hermiena’ with backing dancers

It’s that time of the year again. Strictly Come Dancing’s Class of 2019 will take to the floor today on BBC1 at 19.00 hrs, dancing live for the nation. In celebration and anticipation, the flowers and I are showing our Strictly fan credentials.

Lilium asiatic 'Lion Heart'
Lilium asiatic ‘Lion Heart’ in ballroom finery

Friends and family will vouch for the fact that I don’t do organised dancing (I do the disorganised kind, given an opportunity) and I’m not a glitter girl, being more into florals.

Flowers held out on stems like glad hands
Lewisia doing the Charleston

That perhaps makes it a bit strange that I find Strictly fun, but like millions of the British viewing public, I do.

Lysimachia clethroides
Lysimachia clethroides doing that move they do – you can clearly see which one is the celebrity here!

If you live outside the UK you can usually see highlights after each show on YouTube. If you think it’ll be no fun because you don’t know our celebrities, take comfort that we don’t know some of them before the show starts either.

Have to dash as I’m late for the train, but keeeeep dancing!

43 Replies to “Strictly Come Dancing Flowers”

    1. Thank you! I was careful to put the time in the first sentence as I didn’t want to be like one of those click bait sites Google directs you to if you want to find out when the programme starts – the kind where you have to read an interminable bland intro and scroll past a multitude of irrelevant adverts…

  1. Needless to say, I had to google Strictly Come Dancing, but even before I did so I could see what you were referring to in the blooms. So exactly right! They do dance and they do wear formal attire beautifully. I confess I laughed out loud when I got to the part about the Charleston. I’ve never been enthusiastic about Fuschia, but the one above has changed my thinking — it’s gorgeous! Definitely center stage!

    1. I’m not enthusiastic about spelling them, but I do like them. I used to pop the flowers as a child – I don’t think it hampered them and I found it very satisfying.

  2. Are these flowers all in your garden? What a sight that must be! They’re quite glorious, and some are as unfamiliar as the dancing program. I’m glad for the introduction.

    1. Most of the flowers I share here are ones I’ve seen in gardens or at flower shows, but you’re right, if I could magic them all together they would make a wonderful sight.

  3. Nothing sweeter than dancing flowers. And in this day and age when so much is decidedly not fun, it is important to enjoy any kind of innocent fun that strikes your fancy.

  4. I am not a Strictly fan (nor a Harry Potter fan either) which probably puts me in me in a minority of the population, but I am a big fan of dancing flowers and these are most apt! Beautiful photos as usual Susan.

    1. I enjoyed it last night – the laughs, the worries, the bodging through, the achievement, a few tears… including mine, needless to say… much like a good episode of Doctor Who. 🙂

  5. Very nice choice of flowers accompanying your words. The lysimachia clethroides was particularly interesting to me with its progression of bloom stages. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one before.

  6. Love the theme and the flowers, but I have to admit I’m seeing the “Can-can” dance more than the Charleston when I look at those shameless Lewisias!

    1. I see what you mean 🙂

      I was thinking about the move when they stick both hands out together… the Lewisia having the advantage when it comes to hands – or, rather, flowers.

  7. These photographs are just beautiful and the idea of dancing flowers adds something special! The Lewisia is new for me – quite stunning.

    1. I have only grown one lewisia, but I’d be hard pressed to explain why as it was such an easy, obliging plant and I’ve seen many tempting ones since.

  8. I love your concept of the dancing flowers and that you happen to follow a few of my favourite bloggers! I certainly miss the UK gardens.

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