Square In September: Last Hurrah

Rose with rounded shape and droplets of rain
Rosa ‘Olivia Austin’

This is my last week to share square pictures of pink roses and, to celebrate, this week’s roses come with extras for those who were part of the challenge, or kindly indulged my weakness, even though they are not quite as keen on roses. First, a pink rose named for a lovely lady. It ticks the strongly fragrant box and though I don’t know this variety quite as well as some of the others, with further acquaintance, I suspect it would be one of my favourites. Though I can’t claim this is a bud, it is only partly open and will eventually become a rosette.

Flowers in shades of pink with starry shapes
Pink astrantia

This celebration of a flower is for Becky, for hosting the challenge so gracefully, and for all those who took part, many of them sharing a square cropped picture with varying amounts of pink in it for the whole month. Well done! I’ve loved seeing them all appear in The Reader.

Paphiopedilum in shades of white, pink, crimson and cream
Paphiopedilum collection (Venus slipper orchids)

For orchid lovers, here’s a collection of them, In The Pink, and artfully arranged with moss, slate and logs. 

Droopy geraniums in shades of pink
Pink geraniums

If we’ve learned one thing from the challenge, it’s that Pink can be interpreted in more ways that we might have imagined. I can’t claim these hardy geraniums are tickled pink , but their petals do seem to be gradually changing to trickles of pink. That’s close enough.

A perfect rose bloom amongst faded plants
Late September Rose

Finally, a deep pink rose that helped to raise my spirits a couple of days ago at Trentham Gardens (if you missed yesterday’s post you can read it here). Perky and fresh amongst the fallen seed-heads, it seemed set down in a slightly different time zone.

There’s still time to join in with InThePink, but you’ve got to be quick. Thanks again, Becky!

30 Replies to “Square In September: Last Hurrah”

  1. I love roses, and that top one is beautiful! I’ve never seen Astrantia before – shall have to look out for some for our garden next years. All gorgeous!

  2. A meme on a specified color? I it always ‘In the Pink’? Does the color of choice change? I have done all white in my own posts (for other memes), but not made a meme of it.

    1. You missed this one Tony. This month’s theme was In The Pink, but the topic will most likely be completely different next time it runs, which will be in December. I’ve linked to the host, Becky, in the post.

      1. December!? So it is not not require the sort of commitment as other memes. So far, I do only one meme, Six on Saturday. It is weekly, but you know how they go. Once one gets started, one feels obligated!

        1. I don’t ever feel obligated. The hosts of the ones I dip in and out of are unfailingly kind and supportive. They know more than most the degree of commitment regular blogging entails.

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