Plant anthropomorphism

Pink geranium flower above with hairy bud

It may just be my strange way of seeing things but these plants all seem to have an anthropomorphic character. Geranium ‘Elke’ is surely offering a hand for the passer-by to shake? 

Yellow pagoda lily

This yellow pagoda lily (Erythronium ‘Praying Mantis’) is channeling Tommy Cooper  – and, yes, you caught me out, I did make that cultivar name up.

Blue flower (close up)

Something in this blue flower brings to mind those ladies of times gone by who used to wear those flowery bathing caps. The head is a bit elongated perhaps, but you get my gist. It seems that multi-coloured versions of the bathing hats are available in today’s load-it-all-on-‘cos-everything-goes world if you fancy one. The originals were more muted, thinking their floweriness enough of a statement.

Star shaped dahlia flower

This dahlia seems to be bursting with excitement. Perhaps it’s about to leap out and surprise someone, or to reveal the climax to a magic trick as a tiny dove flies out from the centre? Or perhaps it’s auditioning to become the blueprint for a floret on one of those bathing hats I just mentioned?

A cluster of fuchsias with pinkish-lavender skirts

Fuchsia ‘Moody Blues’ seems like a cultivar name I might have made up on a bad day. They aren’t particularly blue or moody – in fact, if ever fuchsia flowers were captured playing around at a fun fair, these are they.  On the water slide, or one of those Victorian swinging chair rides would be my guesses.

Comfrey flowers

Finally, we have no help but to conclude that these comfrey flowers are waving light sabres: novices practicing their skills, no doubt. They must be Jedis as they look so benevolent… unless there’s a twist in the tale yet to come?

Time to call it a day now? You know I could go on…

31 Replies to “Plant anthropomorphism”

  1. Beautiful pics! The personalities that go with each one are so appropriate. I found your blog from the Community Pool, and I am so glad I did!

    1. Thanks Laurie. I’m going to miss lots of things about The Daily Post. I took a quick look earlier today – it now has the feeling of a writer’s house that has been preserved for posterity.

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