Baby chickadees

Baby chickadees in a nest box

These baby chickadees are off to a great start in life. They’ll be flying away soon and I can’t imagine what their future holds. Five tiny nestlings, five different futures.

They’ve had the very good fortune to have hatched inside a nest box provided by our dear friend, nature lover Greg Grant. Outside a beautiful, wild landscape is waiting for them that seems lifted out of a storybook. 

When Greg told me they were chickadees, I was amazed. I hadn’t realised a chickadee was a real bird – I thought it was just an affectionate folk name for all birds, like dickybirds. Or crickaballs as my sister used to call them (there’s a story behind that but I won’t go into it now).

I’ll show you a glimpse of Greg’s garden outside the nest box in the next few weeks: I’ve been meaning to for far too long. Setting aside all his other credentials, he’s one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met.

In case that description makes him wrinkle up his nose, I can also vouch for him being a man of action. He heroically saved me by taking immediate action when he spotted that fire ants were swarming up my leg. I had put my foot on a mound while trying to get a picture of a rose. Not a single one bit me.

I think this is the rose, though Greg may be able to correct me:

Pink rose

So that’s my promise for the future, made as a response to this week’s photo challenge.  Make sure you hold me to it!

29 Replies to “Baby chickadees”

  1. Oh my! What a beautiful photo of these precious fledglings! I love chicadees the most of all the birds who live around my house. They are here year round, and I’m always thrilled to see them in winter when so many other birds migrate! Thank you for sharing this picture. I’ve never seen the little ones; only those which visit after they’ve grown and changed color! Although, now I’m uncertain if there are many kinds of Chicadees, as I the ones here are always referred to as Black capped Chicadees. Hmmm. I’ll have to look that up.

  2. I just put a bag of cat fur and alpaca fur that the chickadees and others will take.. as soon as it stops snowing and being December instead of April here in NY..

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