Festive Fun: Decorating The Blog For Christmas

Crimson flowers with yellow streaks forming a star

It may seem far too early, but cut me some slack: I’ve decided this blog needs some festive cheer. Not the cheer-on-a-loop designed to sell things, but pure, just-for-the-fun-of-it cheer. In this post, I’ll be putting up some festive blornaments (= blog ornaments; see definition at the foot of this post). Alternative ones.

For my first blornaments, stars, I’ve chosen the annuals pictured above, which I found tumbling from a hanging basket at The Southport Flower Show and preserved in pixels to brighten a moment. To my way of thinking, if the flowers featuring the stars are miniature trumpets, so much the better.  Continue reading “Festive Fun: Decorating The Blog For Christmas”

It’s Manly!

Red kitchen items with the words "It's manly"

Nancy Merrill’s latest photo challenge is ‘Whimsical‘.  My contribution is this shot of a display of red, retro, plastic kitchenware in the City Museum of St. Louis. Why the words in the speech bubble tickle my sense of whimsy / humour / irony, I’m struggling to explain. My friends would no doubt say it’s because I have a dodgy sense of humour: I can laugh quite a lot at things that apparently aren’t funny, including my own jokes.   Continue reading “It’s Manly!”

Weekend Whimsy: Smiling Flower

Smiling lily

I’ve been trying to write a post for the weekly photo challenge but it’s all been going ‘orribly wrong. Various drafts and ideas later, I have a plea for help awaiting the attention of the WordPress Happiness Engineers as I’ve somehow succeeded in losing the attachment pages for some of my most recent rose pictures. That means if you click ’em, you get a non-too-entertaining-after-a-while ‘Oops’ error message page.

Safari has piqued my sense of irony by suggesting I short cut the process and skip direct to the error page in future, by helpfully(?) listing it among my favourite internet pages. Safari has a point. I need to change tack. I need something cheerful.

So I’m sharing this picture of a smiling flower. It may not be my best picture, but you have to admit it’s cheery.  Continue reading “Weekend Whimsy: Smiling Flower”