On Being Distractingly Sexy

An eminent scientist, Sir Tim Hunt, speaking at a conference in Korea about his ‘trouble with girls’ observed: “Three things happen when they are in the lab: you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticise them they cry.” 

The scientific community has been responding on Twitter under the hashtag #distractinglysexy. It’s a lot of fun and the perfect way to show us a glimpse into their working lives. I’ll let these ladies speak for themselves:
Continue reading “On Being Distractingly Sexy”

Insect hotels

Home for insects at the Dorothy Clive Garden

I signed up for 30 Days Wild and I’m sharing my pictures of insect hotels (also called bug condos) as a Random Act of Wildness. These imaginative homes for insects are a practical way to help the environment and bring grownups and kids closer to nature.

Insect hotel (detail)

An insect hotel is packed with materials that create holes of different sizes, offering shelter for a wide range of creatures. Talk about consumer choice! ‘Would you prefer a roomy kingsize or snug single, Mr Solitary Bee? You’ll find a buffet breakfast in the meadow on the ground floor.’ Continue reading “Insect hotels”

Tips for Americans visiting England: Eating out

Some of you may be aware that my sweetheart hails from Mississippi. Over the years, we’ve compiled some tips to help ease the way of people from the Southern States when travelling to the North of England. It seems only right to pass a few of them on.

A Few Warnings

  • Gravy will be brown and we don’t put it on our biscuits.
  • You want sweet tea? It’s not good for you, you know! Drink some before you set out.
  • We strictly ration ice cubes and condiments in public places. Expect the former to be offered one cube at a time and the latter to be presented in tiny sachets. You may like to buy a bottle of ketchup as soon as you arrive and keep it with you at all times.
  • British people only eat corn three ways: sweet corn, cornflakes and popcorn. Don’t expect grits, your type of biscuits or cornbread.
  • If you want to alarm the wait staff, assure them you only ate yours to be polite.

Continue reading “Tips for Americans visiting England: Eating out”

Wild violets

White violets

Perspective and a macro setting turns these small violets into giants, compared to the tiny chickweed flowers at their feet. I find it really hard to see violets as lawn weeds, even the more common purple ones. For me any patch of grass, natural or cultivated, is made more beautiful by wild violets.

I’m not usually quite so charitable about chickweed, though I can appreciate its delicate beauty in this setting. I know that’s unfair – after all:

A weed is any plant having to deal with an unhappy human.

J C Raulston


Street Art in Austin, TX


The runner up post from my recent poll fits in nicely with this week’s photo challenge: on the way. I’d never been to Austin, Texas before and found our brief trip a bit of a tease. Try to imagine my increasing awe and fascination at the extent and variety of street art we came across, while conscious of our shared desire to arrive promptly for a timed slot later that day.

Continue reading “Street Art in Austin, TX”