Rosa Caldwell Pink Repeats and Can Be Grown Organically. What’s The Catch?

Rosa 'Caldwell Pink'

Rosa ‘Caldwell Pink’ produces abundant sprays of rosette flowers; repeats from mid spring until the first frosts; and can be grown organically without spraying for pests and diseases. Drought tolerant once established, it thrives in full sun. Heat and humidity, the downfall of many a rose, suit it just fine. 

‘Caldwell Pink’ is one of the top five roses my sweetheart recommendeds for Mississippi. For the last 3 or 4 weeks, sprays of neat little rosette flowers have been dancing over our shrub which occupies a choice spot at the front of the house. Reminded of its charms daily, he set about sourcing another for a museum project, but a tour of local garden centres drew a blank. After an appeal, rose lover, Jim Skipper, kindly donated one he sourced in South Mississippi. 

It set me wondering why more suppliers are not stocking this easy-care variety.  Continue reading “Rosa Caldwell Pink Repeats and Can Be Grown Organically. What’s The Catch?”