
This is my personal website. I’m really enjoying the blogging experience and the online company of so many lovely people. Thanks for visiting me here.

I write for my blog with one ideal reader in mind – a thoughtful, caring, playful person, willing to explore ideas on different subjects, as we might if we were to meet face to face. One who is willing to suspend disbelief for a few minutes: someone who is happy to take an idea and see where they can run with it.

Flowers in sunlight
Flowers in sunlight

I have a childish love of flowers: I’ve seen far too many trendy, almost flowerless gardens, but for me, a garden just isn’t the same without them. My interest in gardening runs deep, inspired by my maternal grandma (Mama), my naturalist father and my mother.

Expect to see pictures of all kinds of flowering plants here, particularly roses, woodland or shade plants and traditional English cottage garden favourites.

It’s wonderful that my blog is visited by people from so many countries around the world, but that means some of the plants I’ll feature may not thrive where you live. While I’ll be sharing my experience of visits to public and private gardens, new trends, inspirational plant combinations, and garden art, you’ll need to look elsewhere for technical gardening advice.

I love poetry, prose and drama, so you’ll find the odd post on writing or literature and, when I can’t resist it, an opinion piece. I’ll post pictures of quirky things I see on my travels too, each with a creative angle or a story to tell. All the pictures you’ll see here are my own, except for the odd one I’ll try to cadge for you from my sweetheart, a sweet garden writer from the Southern States of America.

You’ll meet some wonderful people in the comments section of my blog – feel free to join in. I’m always happy to receive genuine comments and observations about posts and pictures that have struck a chord; letting me know where you think I’ve missed something; sharing another viewpoint; telling me where you agree or think I’m going wrong. I value diversity – it’s what makes us human.

I’ve been told I have the knack of connecting seemingly unrelated ideas to illustrate a point. While you might not know exactly where I’m going in a post, my intention will always be the same: to share some of my experiences; to explore ideas or consider options; to see if together, in our overlapping online communities, we can make our lives richer and happier in some way.

If you’d like to follow along, you couldn’t be more welcome – here’s a link to my blog.

Wildflowers in grass with a path mown through


134 Replies to “About”

  1. Your garden photos are amazing. I love gardening. I’m mostly into edible gardens, and fruit trees, but your inspirational posts about gardening makes me want to plant more flowers.

  2. Hi Susan, I look forward to following your gardening photos, and especially any posts about English Language and Literature: poetry, prose and drama, as well as pictures of quirky things on your travels, accompanied by a story. 🙂

  3. I really enjoy very much reading your blog and looking at so many wonderful pictures you are presenting to us. You are really not only a very good writer but also great photographer.

  4. Hi Susan, I’m excited to find your blog and I’m looking forward to following your adventures. I too have a childish love for flowers and all things quirky. 🙂

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