Blue Iris With A Fake Beard

Blue irises

A type of flower that may have beards, falls, flounces, horns, laminata, standards, signals and ruffles has to be accorded respect. Having said that, some of you might observe this ‘ordinary’ blue iris is lacking some of the twiddly bits its fancier bearded cousins can proudly display.

You might agree with me that the sunlight dancing on its upper petals and its clear, veined beelines left little to be desired: that the simple iris need not aspire to anything more. But who are we to rein in aspiration if an iris chooses to conceal its beardlessness under a fake beard supplied by a furry visitor?

Blue iris with bee

Perhaps we ought to pretend we haven’t noticed.

Hope you’ll all have a great weekend, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing.

36 Replies to “Blue Iris With A Fake Beard”

  1. “Twiddly bits”???!!! That is one of the best botanical terms ever! And the iris is one of my top favorites ever. Inspired photos! A great weekend to you too!

    1. Thank you! The real terms conjured up so many different ideas, only vaguely connected to flowers. I’m glad to have offered up one of your favourites.

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