19 Replies to “Wordless Wednesday: Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Koria’”

    1. The bit of blue in the centre of the flower and dusted on the buds does add a sweetness. It’s as if the artist went over it afterwards with a brush just to give it a little more definition.

  1. Your tag of “chocolate” intrigued me. What an imaginative pairing! And what life in the photo — there is nothing like white to give everything new dimensions. Beautiful!

    1. The heuchera leaves add a lot visually – and had the unexpected side effect of making me think of hot chocolate fudge cake and cold ice cream.

      1. Yes, I can see that also 🙂 I think a while back you did a post on all white garden flowers and that appealed to me much also. Perhaps something for me to consider in my own garden!

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